What's On at The Ash Tree
Mark your calendars to join us for a range of special events and pop-up catering designed to bring our local communities together at The Ash Tree. Follow us on Instagram to stay tuned: theashtree_ashendon

Posh Dogs Food Truck
Saturday 8th February
5pm - 8pm
By Jane Varney Catering in Brill. Proper local butcher sausages, served in a soft pretzel roll, add homemade sauces and toppings accompanied by a few drinks in the warm of the pub with friends and neighbours.
Charity Quiz Night
Thursday 20th February
7.30pm for 8pm start
The Bar is open from 12 lunchtime
Only £2.50 per head (pay on the night)
Bring your favourite nibbles (not a picnic)
Max 6 per team.
Organised by Sian Miller for Sport in Mind

Wells Smokehouse BBQ
Saturday 22nd Februrary
5pm - 8pm
Place or order and wait in the warm of The Ash Tree with friends and neighbours. Then enjoy your locally sourced smoked meat dish and sides or veg option, Mac 'n' Cheese with a drink in the pub.
Thursday 27th February
Sloe Nouveau
7pm for 7.30pm start
Come along for our Sloe Gin Competition.
We have two exciting categories:
Sloe Gin 2025, for harvested sloes in 2024
Fruit & Booze: Any fruit in any alcohol concoction! Start your brewing now for Fruit and Booze, or dust off a classic from your larder. Not entering? Join us for a classic evening of tasting and scoring.